Friday, 31 August 2007

English Cricket 2

Its getting better now they have appointed a rough northern man as captain! He is obviously much better than that sad softie Michael Vaughan or that dopey looking Andrew, I went to university you know, Strauss.

Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Belfast Tourism

Having had visitors here on holiday in the summer it was great to see the crap areas of Belfast so well 'flagged'. It meant that it was really easy for me to show them the nicer more civilised places to visit.

English Tennis

See article below on English Cricket. (same applies!!)

Water Shortages

Last year people in the south of England wanted a pipeline from the north to supply them with water.

I was wondering if work had started or have they had enough this year.

English Cricket

If you want to know what's wrong with the England cricket team start by listening to test match special.

The home counties middle class accents would be an immediate turn off for the real young sportsmen who live in working class inner city areas. You just have to listen to the nerdy tones of Vic Marks, 'Aggers'(stiffled laugh) and of course those three losers Christopher Martin Jenkins!

The only commentator who has any real knowledge is of course G. Boycott. It is obvious the others in the 'team' can't stand his attitude because nine times out out of ten he is right and they are hopelessly wrong. The patronising old school tie way they talk to him says it all.

Cricket to them is not a sport to be played hard and won. It is a pleasant pass time to be watched in between wine and cakes!